Monday, April 14, 2008

VOTE: Allison Fiebert

I need help choosing which images to print and mount for the panel and for the judge to select which pieces are to be shown. Due to this being my first semester in this class and not feeling like this series is complete I do not want or have the money to spend to print and mount all to show the panel and let them choose; in addition, there is not enough time between the review to only print the ones they choose for me to show at Gallery 5. Having said that, I would REALLY appreciate help choosing four or five images to print and mount to show the panel. If I could get a vote on the images 1 being your favorite and then count up to your least favorite. You can just refer to them in the order that they are posted (from top to bottom) because I can't figure out how to number them on a blog. Thank you SOOO much.

Heres my artist statement I wrote for the book:

The photography series Foster Care is an exploration into the phase of secondhand item’s lives as they await their new keepers within the confines of consignment shops, thrift stores, and antiques shops. These items endure a state of limbo as they collect dust on shelves or on store floors with only the occasional handling by a browsing human. The individual lives they cross paths with during this state of purgatory and the physical environment they settle into for an indefinite period of time is curious state where an man made item, considered by someone to still have value, remains unclaimed.

(But if you all think there is something else in these or some of these images that are interesting other than this let me know!!)


Kathryn Parker said...

i think the less pristine looking images are the strongest & they also look good together. By this I mean the image with the tub, the stoves, the wood columns? etc.

A. Montagna said...

If you are looking to put together cohesive images that go well together try to find a running theme through them. like in coloring, composition, shapes, etc.

Other than that i agree with what Kathryn is saying.
And don't worry Allison, I am in the same boat you are! haha