Thursday, March 27, 2008

Where to go from here?

With my body of work this semester, I had planned on continuing my pursuit to photograph sports. I have done countless events and thought i'd be satisfied with just shooting stock sports photography, which didn't happen. I started to shoot a specific team (vcu lacrosse), hoping that a narrative or structure would form from that, to me it just didn't seem to work. Instead i've now started to move into the direction of just photographing the sport of lacrosse itself. Sure, there are some stock action photos in there, but really i am now trying to just capture the essence of the sport by documenting the sport and hopefully the culture surrounding it. I plan to shoot other events, spanning from division 1 lacrosse all the way down to youth lacrosse, i want to photograph a range of age groups, hoping something emerges from the diversity of age, atmosphere, etc. I've posted the most recent photos for consideration on my blog, please check by there and give me some feedback if you would, let me know how you think the work is going, and what i may do to improve upon the body of photos.

p.s. I'm also working on a side project where i will be documenting the richmond bike scene. I have close friends who are really into BMX biking, etc. There is also a big bike event going on down at Belle Isle, so i will be documenting all that, in hopes that I can capture a new side of photography, at least from what I've been shooting. I'd really like to make connections at this event, so i can document the movement more intimately with other people within the area. With this work I'd like to capture a range of images from building bikes, riding bikes, and other actitivities surrounded by biking. My hopes is to create a body of work that creates a narrative through the sequence of images, allowing people to look deeper into something they're not directly a part of, to get a better understanding.

My blog is here.

1 comment:

Meyer, Senior Portfolio said...

Shawn- the one image that I find particularly interesting is the 2nd image down under "postcard ideas" with all the yellow jerseys. I think I like this one so much because feel more of a story about these boys. Also it's clean. Everyone in the picture is doing something different but it all looks very intentional and in control on your part. Personally I think you should watch out for the sentimental looking photographs. I think there is one with a little boy and a man sitting on a bench that looks this way. You can still shoot things like that just pay attention to what you are trying to say with it.