Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Amanda Meyer

In my meeting with Paul we discussed presentation of my work. I was thinking about framing with mismatched wood, gold, and silver frames. All of them about the size of a 5x7 photograph. This kind of presentation would staying with the materials and concept i have been using. I also feel that I could go another route with a more contemporary presentation. Something I had in mind was placing the images on a wood block, putting plexiglas over the top, and screwing each corner in. Just in case that was confusing the photograph would be in between the plexi and the wood: ) Although this seems far from the aesthetic of my images, I am torn with whether or not to keep completely within the time and character of the photographs or not or make it make it a more contemporary way of presenting it. This is my dilemma at the moment... let me know what you think.

Just let you know I am adding two images into the series from last semester. I want to use them because I think they speak to the series. As of right now my series is all black and white, if you think that these could possibly work in color please let me know. Also I am unsure about how I can add more then 3 photographs into the anderson show... I know that there are clever ways around that (i.e. gluing the frames together, taking a picture of three photos in one photo and framing that...) let me know if you have any ideas.


Allison Fiebert said...


Personally I like your images in color. For me the muddyed color of the two photographs shown allow me to view these as images from a photo album much easier than the black an white As far as the frames, I like the more contemporary idea but I don't like the one you have suggesed. I don't like the idea of screwing the into the plexi on the front side. Maybe you could still use the "frameless" look with the block of wood and the plexi glass but have the photo adhe?) does this but I don't know if they are the most economic. You could then adhere your photograph with plexi on the front to the wood block.

amalia said...
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amalia said...

I think the images look good in color. I also think that the contemporary presentation might clash with the style of the photos.