So for a bit now I have been stuck on where to go next with my project. I have tons of images of my pills and bottles and decided to play around with them a bit. I am still feeling a bit stuck though.
Honestly, i am not quite sure how i feel about these images. I dont know if i like them or not. I dont want to use the same thing/style over and over again and become repetitive.
Where should i go next? What works? what doesn't?
what can i do to make these as strong as the other images i have had?
any input would be much appreciated!!
I feel like I am at a road block
anyone? input? please?
Hi Amy,
I like these images and this train of thought that you are on. I do think that you could take this project in a few different directions. My first though is a collage type image, maybe combining some of the hair images from the first with these medicine bottles and duplicating certain parts. More of an experimental approach. My other thought is you have the opportunity to use this text "every 4 hours or as needed" or any variation on that, to make a Barbara-Kruger-esque image with text used as a warning or didactic statement. I think it would be an effective method of provoking questions about medicine, modern disease, technology, and perhaps the abundance of it in our society.
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